They were all calling me stingy! But i couldn't resist.... He was just so darn cute... His little cry that was so soft... His skin, that I couldn't stop touching, and his little bumb that fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. Oh Tayger, WELCOME!!!
Everyone wanted to hold him... but not as badly as me:)
Amber my sister had her
Amber my sister had her
baby last week... He is so adorable. She named him Ta
yger James, and I mu
st say that it fits him well.
I get so excited to be an Auntie x 3. These babies just make me
I get so excited to be an Auntie x 3. These babies just make me
smile- I anticipate n
ext time I will see them and they always make me want to be a better person. I must be the luckiest Auntie in the whole wide world!!!