
Friday, October 28, 2011


Been thinking, 1) I need to write more, I love to write... Frees my mind! Helps me to express what, at most times I have difficulty doing in spoken words. 2) Live and Enjoy the present... Be content and grow...

As Fall stumbles upon us, I am amazed at how quickly life seems to float on by... Although a full year of great memories has been created, I need to reiterate "FLOAT"... Where did it go... Did I take it all in? Did I pull from and take in all the I was meant to?
I sometimes live to much in the future trying to control how things might turn out, occur or come about. I often sit down at the end of the day, take a deep breath, and realize that indeed, that moment was the first time I STOPPED to breath, to accept, to reflect or to take in ...
I lack trust... trust in people, in the process of life, I find fear being a dictator in some choices that I make... then I look back and feel that I, indeed, did not make choices with clarity... but with an immutable thinking process that I, then in the moment I was blind to...
But today, I am full..
We all have times like this... sometimes to short or to few... Moments of grace, to often times these moments are missed or "FLOAT" by with fuzzy edges amidst the momentum of life...
Our life guarantees change..... how are we going to rise to the occasion of this incredible aspet of life? Embellish it, soak it up and ride the journey... TRUSTING, that it will take us to where we need to be, to grow how we need to grow, to see what we need to see, or Resist it.. thinking that maybe it is not RIGHT for us, a stream of invisible assumptions and needs!
Life guarantees change.... It also assures opportunity.... and choice... and freedom.
We make a handful of choices everyday, trivial choices, like weather to have cream in your coffee... and also loaded choices, like trusting and loving. Each choice draws out and twists into a direction, a trajectory with consequences.
I make choices based on 1) Love ~ being connected (which unfortunately, do to the many walls I create happens far to little 2) and Fear- disconnect (lately has been my M.O)
I think I will start choosing love...